How to Notarize a Document Without a Notary Section

Discover How To Notarize a Document Without a Notary Section

This article will break down how to notarize a document without a notary section . Learn about what notary sections are and what a notary can do when there isn't one. Once you're up to speed, you can sign up for DoNotPay, have your document notarized through remote online notarization , and dodge leaving your home for an appointment.

What Is a Notary Section?

A notary section or a notary certificate is a statement that a notary fills in, signs, and stamps. Each state has its rules as to what the certificate should include, but generally, it should contain the following:

  1. Venue (the location where the notarization takes place)
  2. The date of notarization
  3. Notarial wording type—jurat or acknowledgment
  4. Signer's name
  5. Notary signature
  6. Notary stamp

The notary certificate should be on the signing page. If there isn't enough space, the certificate can be attached as a separate document named a loose certificate.

When it comes to the notary wording, the notary shouldn't choose which wording to use—the signer must inform them about it. If the signer doesn't know which wording they should use, the notary can explain the difference, and the signer must decide.

Here's a breakdown of the two most common notarial acts or wordings:

Jurats Acknowledgments

A jurat proves that the signer confirmed the truthfulness of the stated facts in a document and signed it in the presence of a notary

An acknowledgment provides evidence that the signer signed the document freely and willingly

Can a Notary Notarize a Document Without a Notary Certificate?

No, they cannot. If a document doesn't have a notary certificate, the notarization will be incomplete as it doesn't fulfill the minimum statutory requirements, and the document will be rejected. Additionally, the notary who notarizes a document improperly is subject to disciplinary actions.

What To Do When a Document Doesn't Have a Notary Section

In case a document is missing a notary section, the notary should do the following:

Steps Brief Description
Avoid giving legal advice Notaries shouldn't choose the notarial type instead of the signer, and they shouldn't advise the signer on which type to choose unless they're attorneys. If notaries give legal advice, they could lose their notary commissions or be charged with a criminal offense
Ask the signer whether they know which type of notarization they need The notary cannot influence the signer, but they can ask them whether they know which notarial type they need
Tell the signer to contact the issuing or the receiving agency or consult an attorney If the signer doesn't know what certificate is missing from their document, the agency that will receive the document could provide the answer
Explain different notarial acts and ask the signer to choose the notarial act In case the signer cannot reach the agency or cannot find out which certificate they need, the notary is allowed to explain the notarial acts so that the signer can decide on their own

Once the type of notarization has been established, the notary can either:

  • Attach a loose notary certificate
  • Write one by hand on the document
  • Use a rubber stamp with the appropriate wording

What the notary is allowed to do varies by state, so it's always best to double-check what your state's requirements are.

Need To Get a Document Notarized? Use DoNotPay!

When you need notary service , you can count on DoNotPay! Forget about looking for a notary by yourself and going to their office. When you create your DoNotPay account, we'll match you with an online notary in under two minutes!

All it takes is a few clicks, and the best part is that you won't have to leave your house. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Open DoNotPay
  2. Search for the Notarize Any Document product
  3. Upload your document
  4. Enter your email address
  5. Follow the link you receive via email

As soon as you complete all the steps, you'll confirm your appointment with a notary.

Numerous Notary Questions Answered

Notarization can be tricky. You may have some questions or concerns you want to clear up before you go about getting a document notarized. DoNotPay can help! You can hop on to our learning center and find numerous guides that will answer your notary-related questions, such as:

  • Can you just write a will and get it notarized ?
  • Where can I get a will witnessed and notarized ?
  • Can you get something notarized without being present ?
  • What is a notarized affidavit ?
  • Is a notarized document legally binding ?
  • Can you notarize a document at the USPS ?
  • What can be notarized ?
  • Does AAA offer notary services?
  • What is a notarized copy ?
  • How long is a notarized document valid ?
  • Can a notary notarize a document from another state ?
  • Does a promissory note need to be notarized ?
  • Is there a 24-hour notary ?
  • Do I need a notarized letter to travel with a child to Mexico ?
  • Does an eviction notice have to be notarized ?

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How to Notarize a Document Without a Notary Section


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