Bicarbonate of Soda Candida Diet

A biscuit is a beautiful thing.  Even in my pre-Candida Diet days I didn't get to eat them often, but when I did, they were heavenly. Flaky, buttery, and soft: whether with sweet strawberry jam, or as a savory side with grits and ham, they are good to the last crumb!

Since this diet is sugar- and grain-free, I have completely given up bread.  No cheating, no tiny tastes: I've gone cold turkey.  I've had to, because bread is my Kryptonite.  Bread is a glorious thing, and there isn't much to say beyond that.  It's just perfect.

Unfortunately, everything I love about bread, candida loves too.

Since I've gotten the handle of this diet, I've been putting more time into researching and exploring what my options are.  One of my greatest discoveries?  Alternative flours.

Alternative flours are essentially a variety of other things (nuts, wheat-alternative grains, even grape seeds) ground into a fine, floury consistency.  Most health food stores will carry a selection (the most common brand is Bob's Red Mill, which can be found at your nearest Whole Foods), and whatever you can't find in-store, you can order online.

These biscuits are made with almond flour (ground almonds, sometimes called almond meal) and quinoa flour (ground quinoa).  Almond flour has a mild, buttery taste, and as such lends itself nicely to Candida Can-do baking projects.  However it is rather heavy as flours go, so in this recipe I balance that by adding lighter, finer, quinoa flour. This makes my biscuits a little fluffier. Quinoa flour can have a strong flavor of the grain itself, so if you choose to bake with it, be careful to make sure you don't overpower the flavors you're going for.

When you're baking with nut flour, the product will always be a little denser due to the heavier particles and natural moisture content of the nut.  It's best to accept your creations for what they are – and considering you're only baking with ground nuts, they're pretty darn amazing.

A prime example of biscuit thievery.  Please, don't let this be you, protect your biscuits properly.

Here's the recipe for these bad boys:

3 tbsp half and half (or almond milk)

¼ tsp liquid stevia (optional)

Candida Alert: Many commercial baking powders add cornstarch as filler.  If you want to be a stickler about the restrictions of the Candida Diet, you can substitute baking powder for a 2:1 ratio of cream of tartar to baking soda.  Since cream of tartar can be tough to find (and because math is hard) I just stick with the powder in this recipe.  The amount is so minute you shouldn't notice any adverse effects from the cornstarch.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, combine your quinoa flour and your almond flour with the salt, baking soda, and baking powder.  In a small bowl whisk your eggs and stevia, then slowly whisk in your melted butter, pouring it carefully in a light but steady stream.  Use a spoon to stir the wet ingredients into the dry, taking care to thoroughly combine them.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.  Form even pieces of biscuit dough by scooping with a standard-sized soupspoon, and then quickly balling the dough in your hands.  Flatten them into quarter inch thick circles on your baking sheet. Shape these wet biscuits the way you want them to bake because they will not rise much.

            Bake for about fifteen minutes, until the tops of the biscuits appear browned, and begin to crack with evaporation.

            Remember the baking chemistry in these biscuits is different than in those made of wheat flour.  Nut flours may take extra time to cook.  It can't hurt to be extra vigilant while they are in the oven.  Try testing them with a finger for texture – they should have a bounce in the center but be crisp on the top.

Biscuit with butter and St. Dalfour's no sugar added Strawberry Jam

These are great on a cold day with a mug of hot tea. If you want to treat yourself, try them with a tiny bit of all-natural, no-sugar-added jam.

Don't bite into them expecting them to taste like the biscuits your local barbecue place serves with your side of grits.  These are a different animal.  While you can't take a bready biscuit and just cast a spell to make it good for you (boy do I wish you could), you can enjoy these Can-dos and feel good about it!

Try them fresh out of the oven with butter, or try them in a morning breakfast sandwich.  These biscuits are great on-the-go snacks or packed lunch items, as their quinoa and almond base means they provide proteins and energy all day long.

            Enjoy, y'all!

Bicarbonate of Soda Candida Diet


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